Dag 1 Van Nairobi naar Masai mara
Om 0730uur
na het ontbijt vertrekt u voor het ongeveer 5 uur rit naar Masai mara.
Lunch in de safari lodge/Kamp. Na de lunch middag safari tot 1830uur.
Terug naar de lodge of het kamp . Overnachting in de lodge of het kamp
Dag 2 masai mara game reserve
en middag game drive. In het masai mara. Masai mara is fraaie
landschappen, vele roofdieren, migrerende gnoes (afhankelijk van de tijd
van het jaar), antilopen, zebra’s, giraffen, vogels en nog veel meer.
Dit gebied vormt één geheel met de Serengeti in Tanzania. In de Masai
Mara vindt u de Mara rivier, bekend van de miljoenen gnoes en zebra’s
die hier proberen over te steken tijdens de jaarlijkse migratie vanaf
juli t/m oktober. Ook in de overige perioden van het jaar heeft u goede
kansen op het zien van wild. Overnachting in de luxe sopa lodge
Dag 3 masai mara game reserve naar Nairobi
U maakt een laatste game drive voor het ontbijt. Na het ontbijt het rit naar Nairobi jommokenyatta international airport
Oranje Safari
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Saturday, 8 November 2014
7 Days Nairobi - samburu - aberdare - lake nakuru - masai mara with oranje safari
7 days 6 nights safari from Nairobi
DAY 1 NAIROBI – SAMBURU GAME RESERVE. Pick up from Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta international airport or Nairobi city hotel and depart for Samburu Game Reserve. Proceed to your safari camp or safari lodge for lunch After lunch, relax until 15:30hrs, time for the evening game drives. samburu national reserve derives its name from the Samburu people of Kenya who have lived in the area for many years. The Uaso Nyiro River cuts through this reserve, drawing a big population of Kenya animals to the park. The river bustles with activity from its huge population of Nile crocodile. The reserve's topography is mainly open savannah (grassland) with clusters of acacia trees, forest, thorn trees and grassland vegetation. Samburu National Reserve was one of the two areas in which conservationists George and Joy Adamson raised Elsa the Lioness. Their story was made famous by the bestselling book and award-winning movie "Born Free".The game reserve is renowned for its rare species of animals unique to the park, namely: the long necked gerenuk, Grevy's zebra, reticulated giraffe and Beisa onyx. The elusive Kenya leopard is often known to visit the park, especially in the evenings. Other Kenyan wildlife present in the park includes cheetahs and lions, as well as elephants, buffalo and hippos. Birdlife is as plentiful as wildlife at Samburu National Reserve, which boasts over 350 different species of birds including vultures, kingfishers, marabous, bateleurs, guinea fowl, Somali ostriches. Proceed back to your safari lodge or safari camp for diner and overnight stay.
Morning game drive before breakfast. After late breakfast relax until lunch. After lunch proceed on an evening game drive. Proceed back for diner and overnight stay at your safari camp or safari lodge.
Depart after early breakfast for Aberdare National Park, arriving in time for lunch at lodge. Relax until 15:30hours time for afternoon game drives you will appreciate the topography which is quite diverse with deep ravines that cut through the forested eastern and western slopes. Animals easily observed in the park include; the Black Rhino, leopard, baboon, black and white Colobus monkey and sykes monkey. Rarer sightings include those of lions, the golden cat and the bongo- an elusive forest antelope that lives in the bamboo forest. Animals like the eland and spotted and melanistic serval cats can be found higher up in the moorlands. Proceed back to the safari lodge or safari camp for dinner and overnight stay
Early morning breakfast, game drive then drive to Lake Nakuru National Park arriving around 12.00am proceeds to the safari lodge for lunch and check in. After noon game drive from around 1530 hrs in lake Nakuru national park.The park supports a wide ecological diversity with Flamingos (Greater and Lesser) and other water birds being the major attractions of the area. The ecosystem provides for about 56 different species of mammals including the white rhino and buffaloes and a variety of terrestrial birds numbering nearly 450 species. At around 1830hrs proceed back to camp/lodge of choice for diner and overnight stay.
Early morning game drive before breakfast then drive along the Great Rift Valley, passing by the extinct volcano of Mount Longonot en route to Masai Mara Game Reserve. proceed to the safari camp/lodge for check in and lunch. After lunch, Afternoon game viewing in this fascinating wildlife paradise. You have a chance to spot; giraffes, elephants, monkeys, leopards, lions, gazelles and different bird’s species. Dinner and Overnight at your safari camp or safari lodge. DAY 6 MASAI MARA GAME RESERVE. Spend a whole day viewing wildlife in Masai Mara Game reserve with morning and afternoon game drives. Diner and overnight stay at the safari lodge or safari camp of choice.
An early morning game drives before breakfast then depart for Nairobi.
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
special offer with oranje safari
Visit our site for the latest offers. We offer, transfers,Beach accommodations booking and safaris to all national parks in Kenya.
our site oranje safari
our site oranje safari
Friday, 17 October 2014
Masai mara with oranje safari
Dag 1
Jomo Kenyatta international airport-Nairobi hotel
Op de luchthaven in Nairobi Jommokenyatta airport wordt u hartelijk verwelkomd door iemand van
Oranje exclusive safaris en naar Jacaranda hotel gebracht www.jacarandahotels.com. u gaat
genieten van uw welverdiende nachtrust na een lange vlucht. Op basis Bed and breakfast
Dag 2 Nairobi
masai mara
Om 0730uur na het ontbijt vertrekt u voor het ongeveer 5
uur rit naar Masai mara. Lunch in het ilkeliani kamp. www.africa-eco-adventures.de Na de lunch middag safari tot 1830uur. Terug
naar het luxe ilkeliani kamp om te diniren en overnachten. Op basis FB
Dag 3 masai mara
Ochten en middag game drive. In het masai mara. Masai
mara is fraaie landschappen, vele roofdieren, migrerende gnoes (afhankelijk van
de tijd van het jaar), antilopen, zebra’s, giraffen, vogels en nog veel meer.
Dit gebied vormt één geheel met de Serengeti in Tanzania. In de Masai Mara
vindt u de Mara rivier, bekend van de miljoenen gnoes en zebra’s die hier
proberen over te steken tijdens de jaarlijkse migratie vanaf juli t/m oktober.
Ook in de overige perioden van het jaar heeft u goede kansen op het zien van
wild. Overnachting in het luxe Ilkeliani tented kamp. Op Basis FB
Dag 4 masai mara
–Lake Naivasha
U maakt een laatste game drive voor het ontbijt. Na het
ontbijt het rit naar Lake naivasha. Lunch in de sawela lodge. www.sawelalodges.com na
de lunch vetrekt u 30 minuten rijden naar Hells gate waar u gaat namiddag
wandel safari maken of fiets safari maken. Lake Naivasha ligt slechts 90 km ten noordwesten
van Nairobi, aan de voet van de Rift Valley Escarpment. Weinig meren hebben een
mooiere ligging of grotere aantrekkingskracht dan dit meer. De hoogste en
zuiverste van alle Rift Valley meren. Haar afgezonderde lagunes zijn omgeven
met papyrus. Mount Longonot (2977 m), nu een uitgedoofde vulkaan, domineert de
skyline in de tinten van mistig blauw en paars. Lake Naivasha is een thuishaven
voor vele soorten vogels. Er zijn meer soorten dan op de Britse eilanden.
Watervogels ziet u hier in grote variaties en aantallen. Pelikanen, reigers en
aalscholvers zijn ruim vertegenwoordigd en kunnen goed gezien worden tijdens
een boottocht over het meer. Deze tocht biedt ook de kans om nijlpaarden van
dichtbij te zien. Een opvallende vogel is de Afrikaanse visarend die broedt in
de bomen langs de rand van het meer en zijn jagersroep klinkt regelmatig over
het water. Een smalle strook land verbindt het vasteland met het Crescent
eiland, een privé reservaat, waar u kunt wandelen en een grote verscheidenheid
aan wild kunt zien zoals gazelle, waterbok, zebra, giraffe en Dik Dik
Even ten zuiden
van Lake Naivasha is de dramatische Hell's Gate Kloof (13 km) te vinden - een
ruige weg tussen torenhoge rode rotsen. Hier nest ook de zeldzaamste van
Kenia's roofvogels, de Lammergier. Om rond 1830uur terug in de sawela lodge om
te diniren en logeren. Op basis vul
Dag 5 Lake
Heel vroeg na het onbijt vetreken met lunch packet naar
Lake Nakuru. Heel dag safari maken in Lake nakuru. Lake Nakuru is een bijzonder kleurrijk gezicht:
de, soms ontelbare aantallen dwergflamingo’s die de oevers van het sodameer in
Lake Nakuru National Park geheel roze kleuren. De omvang van het meer is
afhankelijk van het seizoen en ook veel pelikanen verblijven hier. Het park is
uitgeroepen tot Rhino Sanctuary. Het gebied van minder dan 19.000 hectare,
biedt de met uitsterven bedreigde neushoorn een goede bescherming tegen
stropers. In dit park kunt u indrukwekkende gamedrives maken, waarbij u ook op
zoek gaat naar deze neushoorns. Tijdens uw safari komt u luipaarden, giraffen,
buffels, zebra’s, zwijnen, bavianen en hyena’s tegen. Na de safari
terug rijden naar de lodge om te dineren en overnachten. Sawela lodge. Op basis Vul pension.
Dag 6 Lake
Naivasha -Amboseli
Na Het onbijt de accommodatie verlaten ongeveer 5 uur
rijden naar amboseli (u krijgt lunch in Nairobi hotel). U gaat om ogeveer 1500
uur in de AA lodge amboseli in checken. www.aalodges.com . Om 1600uur begint de
namiddag safari in Amboseli. Amboseli National Park bestaat uit savanne met uitgestrekte vlaktes,
moerasgebieden, acaciabossen en struikgewas. Het is slechts 392 km² groot en
ligt op ongeveer 200 km van Nairobi. Al meer dan 40 jaar is het een beschermd
gebied dat beroemd is vanwege de serene schoonheid en het wild dat makkelijk te
benaderen is. Het landschap, met de Kilimanjaro in Tanzania aan de horizon,
ziet u veel terug op foto’s. In tegenstelling tot andere gebieden heeft de
olifantenpopulatie van Amboseli niet te lijden gehad onder stropers. Het resultaat
is een indrukwekkende ca. 600 stuks tellende olifantenpopulatie, die veelvuldig
en langdurig bestudeerd wordt. Naast deze imponerende kudde ziet u hier ook
buffels, gazelles, gnoes, giraffen, zebra’s, leeuwen en cheeta’s. Om 1830uur
terug rijden naar de accomodatie om te diren en overnachten.
Dag 7 Amboseli
Naar Tsavo west
Heel vroeg voor het ontbijt safari in amboseli. Het
ontbijt in de lodge dan rijden naar tsavo west Het park tsavo west(ongeveer 2uur rijden). u
bezoekt de mzima spring bronnen om de nijlpaarden en crocodillen te zien dan
Een game drive maken richting de Ngulia lodge www.kenya-safari.co.ke lunch. Na de lunch om 15u45 nog volop tijd is voor een game drive in dit
heuvelachtige landschap om de wild te zoeken tot om 18u45 terug naar de lodge om te logeren.
Dag 8 Tsavo west naar Tsavo oost.
Game drive heel
vroeg voor onbijt. Na het ontbijt game drive richting uitgang. U rijdt 2uur
naar tsavo oost lunch in de lodge. Na de
lunch om 1545uur een gamedrive in oost. Oost is karakteristiek van weg
haar vergezichten over de uitgestrekte vlaktes en roodgekleurde aarde. De kans
om de big 4 (buffele, olifante, leeuwen
en luipaard )te spotten is heel erge groet.Het park is bekent door de
zogenaamde ‘rode’ olifanten die door het vulkanische stof op hun lichaam licht
gekleurd worden . De olifanten gebruiken lateriet aarde als bescherming
tegen zon en parasieten bedekken. Ook zijn er zebras, giraffen, gazellen en
antilopen bavianen enbuffels, Cheeta Om 1845uur terug gaan naar de voi logde uw
overnachting hotel www.kenya-safari.co.ke
Dag 9 Tsavo oost
naar strand hotel
voor het ontbijt
game drive (safari). Het ontbijt dan game drive richting uitgang. U komt in
mombasa om ogeveer 1430uur
Dag 9 tot
Dag 12 Strand hotel
Opgehaald van het hotel en transfer naar moi international airport voor vlucht
mombasa nairobi.
Koste voor de
Inclusief in de
Transfer Jommokenyatta naar Jacaranda hotel Nairobi,
Safari in prive safari minibus,
Engelstallige chaffeur gids,
Alle park entree.
alle maltijden tijdens safari begint met het ontbijt in Jacaranda
ende met het ontbijt tsavo oost
Vlucht ticket Mombasa Naar Nairobi
Transfer Strand hotel naar Moi international airport,
Safari checklist,
Water cola en sprite in safari minibus,
Proffessionele chaffeurgids.
website: oranje safari
Saturday, 30 August 2014
7 nights safaris with oranje safari
Diamond eight nights
safari from Nairobi with oranje safari
Masai mara,Lake Nakuru,Nairobi,Amboseli,Tsavo west and tsavo
Day one Nairobi – Masai mara.
You will be picked up early in the morning from Nairobi
hotel or Jomo kenyatta international airport and drive to masai mara you will
enjoy driving through some of the fertile land of central highlands, into the
great rift valley view which has an amazing landscape, and then transition into
savannah where the masai stay. It will be great for you to see the diversity of
the country and the way people leave in Kenyan villages along the road.
You will check in at your safari camp or lodge of your
choice at noon. Lunch at the lodge or camp of choice then afternoon game drive
from 1530hrs to 1830hrs in the famous masai mara game reserve. You will have an
opportunity to see Lions. Whether on the hunt or at rest in family groups,
Lions are a very common sight throughout the reserve. Cheetah are also often
seen here, as are Hyena and smaller predators such as Jackals.
A safari through the Mara lets the visitor experience several different habitats in a single day. On the wide open grasslands you can travel through huge herds of Zebra, Giraffe, Gazelle, and Topi.
The attendant predators are a continual presence among the herds. Around the waters of the Musiara Swamp elephants can be found seeking refuge from the heat.
Travelling along the banks of the Mara and Talek there are excellent river views of Hippos and Crocodiles, while the riverine forests abound with Birdlife and Monkeys proceed back to the lodge for diner and overnight stay at the safari lodge or safari camp of your choice.
A safari through the Mara lets the visitor experience several different habitats in a single day. On the wide open grasslands you can travel through huge herds of Zebra, Giraffe, Gazelle, and Topi.
The attendant predators are a continual presence among the herds. Around the waters of the Musiara Swamp elephants can be found seeking refuge from the heat.
Travelling along the banks of the Mara and Talek there are excellent river views of Hippos and Crocodiles, while the riverine forests abound with Birdlife and Monkeys proceed back to the lodge for diner and overnight stay at the safari lodge or safari camp of your choice.
Day 2 Masai mara game reserve
Morning game drive before breakfast where you have an
opportunity to spot birds such as Common Ostrich, to the small Cardinal Quelea. From the ever-present
White-bellied Go-away-bird to its two uncommon relatives, the Bare-faced
Go-away-bird and the Eastern Grey Plantain-eater, Woodpeckers (Golden-tailed,
Little Spotted and Fine-banded), elusive African Fin foot. The Mara is also one
of the most likely spots for the Blue Quail, a rare intra African migrant. You
still have an opportunity to spot more animals. You continue back to the safari
camp or safari lodge of choice for lunch. After lunch relax then proceed on an
afternoon safari till 1830hrs where you proceed back to the camp or lodge of
choice for diner and overnight stay.
Day 3 Masai mara –Lake Nakuru.
After early morning breakfast then depart from the famous
masai mara game reserve and drive for approximately 4 ½ hrs to Lake nakuru national park. Lunch
in the safari lodge or safari camp of choice. After lunch at 1530hrs proceed on a late afternoon
game drive at the prime lake nakuru national park. The ecosystem comprises of
the lake, surrounded by mainly wooded and bushy grassland the park support a
wide ecological diversity with flamingoes (greater and lesser) and other water
birds being the major attraction of the area. The ecosystem provides about 56
different species of mammals including the endangered white rhino and buffalos
and varieties of birds approximately 450 species. At 1830 hrs proceed back to
the safari camp or safari lodge of your choice for diner and overnight stay.
Day 4 Lake Nakuru - Nairobi
Morning game drive before breakfast. Then depart drive
approximately 160 kms to Nairobi city hotel of your choice for lunch. Afternoon
at leisure with optional afternoon Nairobi
city tour or visiting Nairobi national museum.
Day 5 Nairobi – Amboseli national park.
After an early breakfast depart your Nairobi hotel and drive
approximately 5 hours to Amboseli. Lunch at the the safari camp or safari lodge
of choice. . After lunch relax up to 1530hrs
then embark on an evening game The park is famous for being the best place in
Africa to get close to free-ranging elephants among other wildlife species.
Other attractions of the park include opportunity for spectacular views of
Mount Kilimanjaro. Amboseli is 390.26 Km2 of swampy area Large Herds of
Elephants major attractions Mt. Kilimanjaro Big Four ,Observation Hill which
allows an overall view of the whole park especially the swamps and
elephants,Swamp below observation hill hosts many elephants, buffaloes, hippos
and a variety of water fowls like pelican, Egyptian goose Contemporary Maasai
culture and indigenous lifestyle you have a chance of spotting Leopard,
Cheetah, Wild dogs, Buffalo, Rhino, Elephant, Giraffe, Zebra, Lion, Plains
Game, Crocodile, Mongoose, Hyrax, Dik- dik, Lesser Kudu, and Noctur
PorcupineProlific birdlife features 600 species. At around 1830hrs proceed back
to the safari lodge or safari camp for overnight stay.
Day 6 Amboseli to Tsavo west.
Morning game drive before breakfast. Then drive approximately for 2hrs to Tsavo west . you will have lunch at
the safari camp or safari losge of choice. After lunch afternoon game drive from 1530hrs in tsavo west
where you have a chance of spotting Major wildlife attractions including
elephant, rhino, Hippos, lions, cheetah, leopards, Buffalos, diverse plant and
bird species including the threatened corncrake and near threatened Basra Reed
Warbler. The Recent Volcanoes, lava flows and viewing of hippos and fish from
the underwater viewing chamber at mzima springs is one thing you should not
miss. At approximately 1830hrs drive back to the safari lodge or safari camp of
your choice.
Day 7 Tsavo west – Tsavo east
Early morning game drive in Tsavo
west then game drive en route depart the park and drive 45minutes to tsavo
east. Lunch at camp or lodge of choice then proceed on an afternoon game drive
in tsavo east where you may be able to see a wide variety of wild animals found
in the Tsavo East National Park: lion, leopard, cheetah, zebra, giraffe, serval
cats, kongoni, kudu, oryx, impala, striped hyena, gazelle, buffalo and the
"red" elephants (colored by the reddish dust). Around 500 bird
species have been observed in the park, including ostrich and several species
of migratory birds. Tsavo East is famous for some of the largest herds of
elephants in Kenya. The elephants seem to have a red colour, just like many
other animals in the park, which is caused by the red dust which they spray on
themselves against insects. The lions of Tsavo owe their fame to the book and
movie "The Man-eaters of Tsavo". Here a few lions ate several
railroad workers during early 20th century. The lions were shot later on. It
seems the reason they attacked people was because of their bad teeth, which
made it impossible for them to eat buffalo or gazelle. At 1830hrs proceed to
the lodge or camp of your choice for Dinner and Overnight stay.
Day 8 Tsavo east to
Mombasa/Diani/Malindi beach hotel
morning game drive before breakfast. After breakfast last gamedrive to the park
entrance and proceed to Mombasa/Diani/malindi beach hotel.
Website: oranje safari
Monday, 25 August 2014
Tsavo East/West and Amboseli with oranje safari.
Pick from your hotel very early in the morning then drive to Tsavo West (approximately 368km from Mombasa). As you drive there will be some stop over to go to the toilet. Get into the park through Tsavo River Gate as you drive looking for wildlife and the beautiful landscapes arriving at the Ngulia lodge in time for lunch. After lunch relax then proceed with the game drive, enjoy viewing the Leopards,Cheatahs,Elephants,Warthogs,DikDiks and different species of birds. Proceed to Mzima springs to enjoy viewing the Crocodiles, Hippos and Fish from underwater viewing chamber. Game drive to voyager safari camp. Arrive at around 1730hrs check in your luxury tented camp. At 1900hrs proceed on a night game drive where you have an opportunity to see different nocturnal animals. Dinner and overnight stay at voyager safari camp. You can see it at www.heritage-eastafrica.com
Day 2 TSAVO WEST –Amboseli
Breakfast then have a game walk with a ranger visiting a pool full of hippos. After the game walk depart with a game drive enroute proceed Amboseli arriving in time for lunch at sentrim safari camp. After lunch afternoon safari in amboseli. Proceed back to sentrim safari camp for dinner and overnight stay. You can see it at www.sentri-hotels.com
Pick from your hotel very early in the morning then drive to Tsavo West (approximately 368km from Mombasa). As you drive there will be some stop over to go to the toilet. Get into the park through Tsavo River Gate as you drive looking for wildlife and the beautiful landscapes arriving at the Ngulia lodge in time for lunch. After lunch relax then proceed with the game drive, enjoy viewing the Leopards,Cheatahs,Elephants,Warthogs,DikDiks and different species of birds. Proceed to Mzima springs to enjoy viewing the Crocodiles, Hippos and Fish from underwater viewing chamber. Game drive to voyager safari camp. Arrive at around 1730hrs check in your luxury tented camp. At 1900hrs proceed on a night game drive where you have an opportunity to see different nocturnal animals. Dinner and overnight stay at voyager safari camp. You can see it at www.heritage-eastafrica.com
Day 2 TSAVO WEST –Amboseli
Breakfast then have a game walk with a ranger visiting a pool full of hippos. After the game walk depart with a game drive enroute proceed Amboseli arriving in time for lunch at sentrim safari camp. After lunch afternoon safari in amboseli. Proceed back to sentrim safari camp for dinner and overnight stay. You can see it at www.sentri-hotels.com
Day 3 Amboseli Tsavo east
Morning game drive before breakfast then breakfast after
breakfast depart and proceed straight to
tsavo east arriving in time for lunch at Voi lodge. After lunch afternoon game
drive in Tsavo east The main birds found in Tsavo East throughout the year are
as follows: Hunters Sunbird, Golden-Bellied Starling, Tawny Eagle ‘White-Backed
Vultures,Kori Bustard, Pale Chanting,Bateleur Eagle, Red-Billed Hornbill,
African Grey Hornibill,Whalberg’s Eagles, Spotted-Eagle Owl,Taitta Fiscal, Red
& Yellow Barbet,D’Naurd’s Barbet, Spot-Flanked Barbet, Fischer’s
Sparrowlark,Long-Billed Pipit, Rosy-Patched Bush Shrike and much more migratory
species of birds. The Park is home to most of the larger mammals, vast herds of
dust –red elephant, Rhino, buffalo, lion, leopard, pods of hippo,crocodile,
waterbucks, Lesser Kudu, Gerenuk and HirolaDiner and overnight stay at Voi
lodge Tsavo east www.kenya-safari.co.ke
Day 4 Tsavo east –Back to mombasa
Morning game drive before breakfast. Breakfast then last safari in tsavo east before departing and proceeding back to the hotel.
Day 4 Tsavo east –Back to mombasa
Morning game drive before breakfast. Breakfast then last safari in tsavo east before departing and proceeding back to the hotel.
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Safari’s from Zanzibar
3 nights safari from zanzibar
Day 1
Zanzibar—Mombasa—Tsavo east
You will fly
30 minutes from Zanzibar to Mombasa. On arrival you will have sandwich lunch at
the Mombasa international airport before proceeding 2 hrs drive to Tsavo East.
Game drive in Tsavo east upto 1830hrs proceed to your lodge for check in and
overnight stay.
Day 2 Tsavo east-- Amboseli
Morning game
drive in Tsavo east before breakfast.
After breakfast in Lodge/ Camp of your choice depart Tsavo east and
proceed to Amboseli. You will have lunch at Camp/Lodge of your choice. After
lunch at 1530hrs afternoon game drive in Amboseli up to 1830hrs proceed back to
your lodge for dinner and overnight stay.
Day 3 Amboseli----Tsavo west.
Morning game
drive before breakfast in amboseli. After breakfast depart Amboseli 2 hrs drive
to Tsavo west Lunch in the lodge /Camp of choice. Afternoon game drive in Tsavo
west. At 1830hrs proceed back for dinner and overnight stay.
Day 4 Tsavo west to Moi international
After early
breakfast depart with game drive en route. Drop off at the airport for your
light lunch before flying back to Zanzibar.
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